Saturday, March 26, 2011


When we leave Brazil in November, 2010, we didn’t have the plan to be in New Zealand soon. However, some circumstances have leaded Infinity to sail towards Auckland and stay there from mid December until mid April. Despite it wasn’t planned, it was a unforgettable experience. To describe it all would take too long. We than want to just highlight the our most remarkable impressions.

Most pleasant surprise in New Zealand was, by far, the New Zealanders! Amazingly friendly people. They call themselves KIWIs, same as the nation’s symbol bird, specie currently endangered, but extensively protected by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and the population.

The spontaneous hospitality was remarkable during our incursions through the North Island. We must mention that tourists are respected and welcomed throughout New Zealand. In a number of opportunities, Kiwis have noticed we were looking for information, a lift of anything else, so they approached us spontaneously to offer a hand. A Maori couple who, decided to give our hitchhiking group a lift, drove us 70 km FURTHER than their actual destination, which happened to be their home, some blocks away of the place they picked the group up. In New Plymouth, a woman saw us with a map on hands, walking in front of her house. She asked to were we wanted to go. We told her the address we were looking for. She than decided to take her car and drives us there, since there was not public bus on Sundays (!). Another lady gave us a lift from a Piopio to Mokau, her place on the top of a hill, with and incredibly view to Tasman Sea. On the way, after some talk about our downshifting project and other amenities, she invited us to her home, for a snack and a drink, where we than spent almost two hours. She also offered to host us for the night if we would like. Absolutely lovely.

An special mention to the families who in fact hosted us for weekends up weeks, in their places. CouchSurfing or WWOOFing, we had amazing experiences with these original or “by option” KIWIs.

Neil, from Whangarey

Barbara Gunn, from New Plymouth

This is a flowers salad, lovely served by Barbara Mc'Philiphs, owner of the Stmart Organics farm, in New Plymouth. We WWOOF in her place for a week.

Another very remarkable aspect New Zealanders is their identification with sustainability. We had the opportunity to share our dfE goals with many KIWIs who promptly find identification on the matter. In fact, the country has still a long way to reach an ideal sustainable society. Many people drive posh big SUVs, there isn’t efficient public transportation in the places were we have been visiting, etc. The current Prime Minister seems to be much more committed to promote and protect spoiling capital and alien corporations. However, New Zealand and its majority green people is a way ahead of most developed countries. To mention, it does not run nuclear power plants, powerfully fights agains new sea oil exploitation, maintains DOC which indeed roles green all large and numerous National Parks, fisheries and other protected areas.

We have to also tell about the amazing New Zealand nature. The country has huge and beautiful preserved areas, from coral reefs to mountains covered on glaciers! Believe it, in Taranaki, for example, it’s possible to snow board on the mountain and surf in the Back Beach in the very same day, as a drive from the two spots won’t take longer than 1 (one!) hour.

Tryphena Bay, in Great Barrier Island

This is our tent, set in the wonderful Tongariro National Park, tied up to wait the wind forecast as strong as...

...130km/h, by the Mangatepopo hut.

Well, we selected a number of images (out of thousands) and specific comments to give you a flavor of how our “unexpected” three months in New Zealand were. You will be able to see how much joy we had with a real very low budget/carbon emission.

We wish you enjoy this jurney as much as we did!

dfE Greetings!!!!

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