Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Arrived in Samoa!

Indeed Downshifting. Very low emissions starts now.

Aboard Infinity!

We made the way to Samoa after a six days stop in San Francisco. Infinity is just awesome ship! We are now living in a double bed cabin, where literally ALL our personal belongings fit in (and there is still room!). By ALL we mean ALL, except docs, books and some beloved handcraft we left in Brazil. We are so much free and happy with all this!

The crew is such a diversity of Nationalities. Nevertheless, in few days is easy to notice that members are committed to Infinity’s purposes, either by their nature or by their experiences in Infinity.

Special thanks to Annie and Mike, who have welcomed us in such a pleasant manner that made us feel indeed at home. This is greatly important, since Infinity is really our home from now on.

Doubts on Climate Change Threads? Pay a visit to San Francisco

Awesome visit to the city of Alcatraz and Golden Gate Bridge. As in California State, vanguards studies and awareness on the Climate Changes. For those that still have doubts about what is (is not) true about fast global warming, don’t miss visiting the California Scien

ce Academy. In the graph there we see that, from 19th century an on, the planet has experienced a unprecedented rise in carbon emissions started. It is just coincident with the Industrial Revolution and with human increasing demand for comfort and motion.

The graph itself don’t tell the whole story. But summarize tons of serious studies among the issue. According to the museum, about 97% of scientists involved on environment resources agreed that the Earth is in real threat by humans Carbon emissions, trapping itself in biggest issue ever. Again, how does it affect our day-by-day living? I think the questions should be changed in “ how does our day-by-day living affects the Earth, our habitat?”

To get involved with this live major issue, we all have to start thinking on study it. Information IS AVAILABLE! It is just a matter or do not ignore it. Global warming is not a Scientific or Governments issue. It’s indeed a individual AND collective major issue which concerns every alive person and acting society in Earth.

Pirate hugs to all our visitors, followers and friends!